Why Tarot Is NOT As Scary As You May Believe!
Individual readers aside, the Tarot deck has, unfortunately, gotten a bad rap over the years. Admittedly, with card names like Death, The Devil, The Hanged Man, and the Wheel of Fortune, it is easy – at first glance – to understand why. But what if I told you that, even with those ominous-sounding names, the Tarot really is not scary, bad or evil?
Often, clients who have never had a reading before or come to me for the first time admit (usually in hushed tones, as though it is a secret 😉 ) that the Tarot scares them because they don’t want to get something bad in the cards. Imagine the surprised, yet relieved, look on their face, when I inform them that the Tarot is not nearly as scary as they might believe it to be! Allow me to explain further, by examining the five most misrepresented cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot in a little bit of detail.
The Fool (Clown): Often, the Fool is depicted as standing at the edge of a cliff, and most likely oblivious to the fact that he is standing on the edge of that cliff! Surprise, folks – we are the Fool. The Fool ambles through life, and sometimes, comes to the point where they have to turn around and re-route the course, or take the leap off the cliff and watch the net appear. Sound familiar? The key is to remember that neither way is “wrong”; it is simply a choice. So when the Fool appears in your reading, recognize that the Universe is alerting you to take a look at your life a little more in depth, and carefully choose your course ahead.
Wheel of Fortune: People often tend to think of this card as a representation of “karma” or “fate” . . . and, although they wouldn’t be entirely incorrect in saying that, there’s another, equally as important facet to this card. I think of this card as the snowball that starts off at the top of the hill – small, compact, and slow-moving. However, as the snowball is launched down the hill, it grows, expands, and gains momentum. If this card shows up for you, remember that it is not just about paying attention to the idea of “what goes around comes around,” but also reminding you to be patient; everything takes a little time to grow.
Death: People tend to freak out when this card shows up because they think that they, or someone close to them, will physically die in the near future. And although I have seen that happen less than a handful of times over my years of doing readings, nine-and-a-half times out of ten, this card more accurately represents the death of the old and the rebirth or transformation into the new.
The Devil: I can feel you cringing, but don’t worry – this card is not the Devil as depicted in Biblical texts. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details; in other words, your thoughts (and residually, your actions and behaviors) create your world. The devil card represents those negative and lower-vibrating thoughts and beliefs that spin around and around in your head like the Tasmanian Devil character in the Looney Tunes cartoons – kicking up a lot of dust and making lots of noise, but not moving terribly far. When this card is revealed, it is time to take an inventory of your thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors. Which are serving you? Which are not? Which energize you and lift you up? Which deplete your energy? Make a list (mental or written), then make the necessary changes to empower and transform your life.
Lastly, The Tower: The Tower represents those times in your life when things come down to be build back up from their foundation. Sometimes, they come down by the wrecking ball, to be razed and cleared from the ground up. Other times, the tower is taken down brick by brick, with the strong and empowering pieces staying, and the others being let go so that new energy may come in. None of us is exempt from experiencing a “tower phase” at least one time during our life (otherwise referred to as a “mid-life crisis”); but the attitude with which we approach it – the victim or the victor – can make all the difference.