It has been said that one of the keys to healing is awareness. Awareness can come in many different forms – sometimes through presence and quieting the mind, sometimes through […]
Everyone – even those of us who would like to believe that we are more “awake” or “enlightened” – tends at some point in our lives to get hooked into […]
As a psychic reader and medium, there are certain topics I can expect to hear people bring up when they sit with me for a session: Are my loved ones […]
It is amazing what a difference a day makes! After moving through restlessness over the weekend, resistance and frustration on Monday, and anger and sadness yesterday, I feel like a […]
Sometimes in life we’re faced with an opportunity that allows us to face an old pattern, recognize and acknowledge the pattern, and do something different than we’ve done before (or [...]
We all know, intellectually speaking, that no one is perfect. However, for a perfectionist, Type-A personality such as myself, we may “know” it, but honoring it and being [...]
Lately, it seems that almost everyone I come into contact with – friends, colleagues, clients, even complete strangers – are experiencing waves of extreme emotions and profoundly [...]
Today I discovered – by meeting with a repeat client, and her daughter – yet another reason why I love my work as a medium, intuitive reader, and energy healer. […]
Part of the reason I love the work that I do is because no two readings, sessions, classes or workshops are alike. Each time I meet with a client, student, […]
Wanderlust: From the German words, wandern (to wander) and Lust (desire, pleasure). Meaning: strong longing for or impulse toward wandering. A strong desire to travel.* *Definition from the [...]