A “Complete 180”

 In Blog, Life Lessons

a_complete_180It is amazing what a difference a day makes! After moving through restlessness over the weekend, resistance and frustration on Monday, and anger and sadness yesterday, I feel like a totally different person today!!!

This is not to say that everything is completely resolved or perfect. There are still pieces of my life that confuse or frustrate me, there are still places where I am confused or uncertain, and there are still tremendous changes I want to make happen. But I feel SO much lighter, so much easier, than I have in the last few days. Speaking my truth, honoring my process, and moving through the intense emotions was really painful – I’m not going to lie – but it lead me to this more peaceful space.

I was reminded of this by a quote that was sent to me in a message on Facebook this morning, from Yoda. 😉 The quote was:

You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried.

As someone who has had an intense fear of failure for as long as I can remember (since early on in my childhood for sure!), being reminded that failure can sometimes be a blessing in disguise is HUGE. And sometimes (like yesterday’s experience), it’s not so much that I’ve failed . . . it’s just that I handled things in a different way than I might have preferred, or less gracefully and easily than it could have been handled. What a blessing to recognize!

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  • Lin

    Your mention of “speaking your truth” brought to mind these two quotes:

    “Three things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, and the truth.”–Buddha

    “The truth is like the sun, you can shut it out for awhile, but it ain’t goin’ away.” –Elvis Presley

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